Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Bedtime Conversation with Avery

I was not feeling too wonderful yesterday, but duty still called. And by duty, I mean sitting on the couch and watching Armageddon while my kids napped. "Get off of the nuclear warhead." "I'm 98% excited, 2% scared. Or is it 98% scared and 2% excited." Sorry. I love that movie. It was made in 1998. I was 17.  I own it on VHS.

Well, anyway. Eric has man night on Tuesdays. So I have to go it on my own. I put Avery to bed at 8, which is a little later than normal but sometimes we break the rules here. I was sleepy so I told her to stay in her bed and go right to sleep since it was late and I was going to go to bed too. Literally two seconds after I get in bed, I hear her footsteps.

Me: "Avery, what are you doing, honey?"

Avery: "Tomorrow after my...wait, never mind. I don't want to ask you that. (she taps her head, as if to put that thought back in a file for later use.) It is really sad in Ice Age when the mommy and baby elephants die."

Me: "Yes, it is Avery. It is very sad. Sweetie, you need to go to bed. It's late. I am tired. Tiptoe back in your room and go to bed."

Avery: "OK Mom. I love you."

Me: "I love you, too. Good night."

I close my eyes. I get tapped on the shoulder.

Me: "Avery, what's up?"

Avery: "I have to go potty."

Me: "OK, Avery. Walk slowly downstairs, go potty, and then go back to bed. Love you."

Avery: "OK. I love you, too."

I lay there, listening. I hear her walk back upstairs and see her walk past my door and into her room.

I suddenly have an eery feeling there is someone watching me. I open my eyes to see the outline of a little person standing in my doorway. It was totally a scary movie moment. If this wouldn't have been the third time she had gotten up, I may or may not have screamed.

Me: "Avery, come here. You need to go to bed."

Avery: "I know. I just wanted to let you know that tomorrow at swimming lessons, I am not going to hurt my knee on the pool like yesterday. I am not going to fall. I am just going to stay on my feet."

Me: "That sounds like a great idea! Now, you need to go to bed."

This time she didn't even say anything. She turned about face and marched back into her room. I get all snuggly comfortable after my heart finally stops beating at a million miles an hour from my recent scare.  A minute goes by...and she's back.

Avery: "Mommy, I just have one question and then I will go to bed. I promise. Why are butterflies called butterflies?"

Me: "You know what? I do not know, but we will learn tomorrow. First you have to go to bed and get some sleep. Now, please, no more getting up. It is really late."

Avery: "OK. We can look it up on the computer. I love you, good night."

Me: "Good night, girlfriend. No more getting up! I love you, too."

Finally, she stayed in bed and went to sleep. On her way out of my room the last time, she left the door wide open. I swore I kept seeing shadows and hearing things. I was waiting to see another creepy child silhouette in my doorway. Could you imagine how freaked out I would be to be in the dark at my house if I actually watched scary movies? I probably wouldn't be able to function or sleep, ever again. Also, how random were her inquiries? Why are butterflies called butterflies?

I guess I need to do some research today!


  1. these conversations are my favorite. Makes me really want to have babies...

  2. she seriously cracks me up. she has been on fire lately with the inquiries and jokes! if only the sass would disappear! :)
