Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Garlic Clarification

To clarify for all my culinary homies, I make my own minced garlic but reuse an old store-bought minced garlic jar.  I got a yelled at a little this morning about using bought minced garlic. Does that make you feel better, Kara?!?! :)

If you want to make your own, peel some garlic cloves. Put the garlic in a food processor. Pulse until it is minced.
Put the minced garlic in a jar and add enough extra virgin olive oil to cover. Store in your refrigerator. Use often.

One clove of garlic is equal to 1 teaspoon of minced garlic. So, if you recipe calls for 2 gloves of garlic, minced, measure 2 teaspoons of your already minced garlic.

When your garlic is gone, use the left-over oil to brush the dough for pizza crust before you pre-bake it. It is yummy.

This is much cheaper and the garlic tastes much better than store bought minced garlic.

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